HALA Hoteliers Meet with Mayor Karen Bass

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass hosted HALA in City Hall as part of her listening tour of key city stakeholders to give input on her search for a new Chief of Police for the LAPD. Joining Mayor Bass in the meeting were Deputy Mayor of Public Safety Brian Williams and Deputy Mayor of Business and Economic Development Rachel Freeman. Mayor Bass engaged in spirited dialogue with HALA members on the selection process and HALA attendees were offered the opportunity to provide feedback from the perspective of their employees and our guests.

We applaud Mayor Bass' leadership in calling on Angelinos, non-profits, and businesses to "lock arms" to address pressing City issues. Her efforts have led to a double-digit drop in the City's unhoused population for the first time in a decade through the Inside Safe Program, along with significant reductions in violent crime during her tenure.

We look forward to continuing to support Mayor Bass in promoting Los Angeles as a great city to visit and stand ready to "lock arms" with the new Chief of Police to ensure Los Angeles is the safest city to visit. Notably, Mayor Bass concluded the meeting pledging to give HALA an audience with the new Chief of Police once selected and said she viewed this meeting as the start of continued dialogue with hoteliers on how we can partner with her and her administration.

The meeting was attended by (in order of the photo): Althea Abdullah, Ray Patel, Kara Bartelt, Mark Davis, Beth Outlaw, Mayor Karen Bass, Jackie Filla, Andrew Jay, Deputy Mayor Rachel Freeman, Nick Rimedio, Javier Cano, Damien Hirsch and Mark Beccaria. Click here to view the full gallery of meeting images.


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