Hotel Minimum Wage moves to New Economic, Community Development and Jobs Committee: Hospitality Issues split between the New Committee and the TTT Committee
In Council on Tuesday October 8, the new Council President Marqueece Harris Dawson, officially created the Economic, Community Development and Jobs Committee. This new committee will be responsible for many City policies governing the tourism industry that were previously overseen by the Trade, Travel and Tourism (TTT) Committee. Jurisdiction of the new committee is as follows:
Oversight of Economic and Workforce Development Department, Workforce Development Board (WDB), Small Business Commission, Bureau of Contract Administration Wage Enforcement Division, Industrial Development Authority, Minority Business Opportunity Committee (MBOC), Department of Convention and Tourism Development, Board of Los Angeles Convention and Tourism Development Commissioners, Community Investment and Families Department, Office of Community Wealth, Commission on Community and Family Services. Policies and issues involving the Consolidated Plan and capital improvement projects, Family Source Centers, human trafficking and domestic violence; Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) funds; Mayor's Office of Economic Development, Mayor's Office of Reentry, State of California Employee Development Department, FilmLA, Minority Business Enterprises (MBE); Women Business Enterprises (WBE); Small Business Enterprises (SBE); workforce development; Business Improvement Districts; business associations; industrial and commercial development; economic development; reduction of poverty; concurrent review of street vending; Infrastructure Financing Districts; Jobs and Economic Development Incentive (JEDI) zones; enterprise zones/renewal communities/promise zones; minimum wage, living wage, and any related matters; all matters directly related to wages, hours, and working conditions of noncity employees; all matters pertaining to conventions; all matters pertaining to the film, television, and gaming industries, including their job creation and retention policies; all matters related to jobs and their creation.
The Existing Trade, Travel and Tourism Committee will retain jurisdiction over the following matters:
Airport Department, Harbor Department, Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority (ACTA). Matters involving free trade zones: marketing and branding of Los Angeles; all matters pertaining to the Los Angeles Sports and Entertainment Commission and ExperienceLA; all matters related to tourism, including tourism related actions of the Department of Convention and Tourism Development and the Board of Los Angeles Convention and Tourism Development Commissioners; freight railroads.
In a subsequent letter, Council President Harris-Dawson named the following Councilmembers to the new Economic, Community Development and Jobs Committee:
Curren Price, Chair
Hugo Soto-Martinez, Vice-Chair
Imelda Padilla, Member
Katy Yaroslavsky, Member
Tim McOsker, Member
The Hotel Minimum Wage Ordinance will be assigned to the new Committee, where we anticipate at least two informational hearings and a meeting to vote on instructions, amendments and a recommendation on the CLA’s findings coming out of the deeply flawed BEAR economic study. Then the study/ordinance will move back to the full Council.
What has HALA done to engage in this process?
We have issued a response to the deeply flawed BEAR economic study.
We mobilized our hotels when the issue was before the TTT committee. In a 48 hour period, hotels sent out 127 letters which generated 3,690 emails to elected officials and key staff members.
We issued a press release stating our concerns for the new committee to address.
Led by HALA’s own Ray Patel, our friends at AAHOA turned out in large numbers in Council yesterday to remind Council that many of LA’s hotels are minority small business owner operated. (pictured with Councilwoman Rodriguez below)
We sent a letter asking for compromise to the new committee chair and its members.
What can HALA members do?
We will continue to meet with members of Council and the Mayor’s Office, thank you for your participation in these meetings.
We will be sending out another letter writing campaign, please participate and get your owners to participate as well.
We will be sending out a letter-writing campaign for vendors and small businesses around you that benefit from your guests. Please ask your vendors and neighbors to send them in.
Come out to give public comment! There will be multiple hearings on this ordinance, and we need to ensure we have a good showing at every one of them so the voice of hotels offering a reasonable compromise gets heard.
Led by HALA’s own Ray Patel, our friends at AAHOA turned out in large numbers to Council on October 8 to remind Council that many of LA’s hotels are minority small business owner operated. (pictured with Councilwoman Rodriguez)